Haberdashery market on Friday during the day and perhaps on Sunday after the closing circle.

Hash Museum Limited Edition Towels. 50x100 cm2 .Only 100 pieces - €10 - for sale at the registration desk and at the haberdashery market

Rumors are that there will be special pub-crowl shirts where your drinking performances are marked so you can show off haw well you have been doing. We will not be impressed at all, just for your very own ego. You will find one in your goody bag.

Patches have arrived !  Beautiful design by Tasty Piss

You get one in your Goody Bag. 50 additional pieces oro for sale at the registration desk and at the haberdashery market for 5

Shoes, are we going to have shoes for sale on the Haberdashery Market? Leftovers from ParkPop with EuroHash logo? Perhaps they hove all shapes and sizes and special models for girls even. Only Neptunus knows for sure. We have no other option than to wait and see. 

For sale at the registration desk and at the haberdashery market. Price t.b.a.

This is how the official EuroHash2023 shirt looks like. Also by Tasty Piss

How will the committee shirts look like? and what about the hares'. 

Someone is trying to get rid of some shit at the Harriet Hurdle.