
09.00 Mother Theresa Memorial Bash
Separate registration, fully booked

10.01 Haberdashery Market
Court Yard  -  Pictures HERE

11.00 Guided Tour - Baarlo
Fully Booked

12.00 Harriet Hurdle
Court Yard is off-limits for anyone that identifies as male.

Women, Ladies, Divas, Girls, Dudettes, Sisters in Sneakers 💋👣 

Let’s celebrate and gather spontaneously in the courtyard garden of the castle in hashy sisterhood on Friday, August 18 from 12:00 to 13:00.  BYOB bubbly 🍾, beer🍻 , and whines 🍷 in your favorite glass. Lunch follows at the venue.

Following on the tradition started on the boat during Eurohash Scotland 2019 , at Phoenix Interam 2017 and at Mother’s 80th in KL, as well as by Perth Harriettes and their luncheons, please join us for drinks to catch up with long-lost friends. No trail, so make your own trail to get here. If you want to flack any hab, bring it. Still deciding on whether we collect for the Eurohash charity, but we will do so at Interhash 2024 in Queenstown in Trinidad. On on!

Any requests for information can be directed to the organizers Bronco Buster, Bottom Blower and Scrumpy.

There will be lots of Harriet related Haberdashery



14.00 Out of the Box
Wet Dreams

  No accouterments Team Play
It is going to be very playful indeed
Thunder Thighs


  Balloon Humping
  Touched by Boobies  

  Three Man Drinking 

  Strippy Tippy Cup Tournament
Lone Bone 

  Human FussBall

  Cheese and Whine Tasting

  PowerBoat Race

  UNO favorite drinks

Bring your game - The Court Yard is all yours - You get free beer for the rest of the weekend

Drop Pink a line if you want to announce your game up-front here

There is beer and whine available, anything else or more you bring yourself. Go to the liquer store in town, pray that there is one.

16.00 Rocky Horror Picture Show
Legionnaires Hall
